Through tragic circumstance, which I won't reveal because half the fun of the first few chapters is figuring out what the heck is going on, Em ends up in the body of uber-popular teen super model Nikki Howard. Inside, she's still the video-game loving, computer geek she always was, but outside she's... well, she's hot! And not sure what to do about it.
Airhead (Point, 2008) is the first of a three-book series featuring Em, err, Nikki... her best friend Lulu and a cast of characters who could have stepped out of a soap opera except for the fact that Cabot paints them so real and likable (well, except for that Stark fellow) that you can't help but be drawn into this story.
Most definitely for the teenage set, this book (along with Jinx and Avalon High) join the ranks of some of my favorite "teen girl" books. Meg Cabot has such a great style and snarkiness that I just adore. And I love how Airhead explores the importance of soul vs. beauty. The sequel, Being Nikki, will hit stores May 2009.
Another 4-bookmark read! Check out more about Meg Cabot here.
Coming up tomorrow: an interview with Tantalize and the soon-to-be-released Eternal author Cynthia Leitich Smith. A must for Twilight fans!!!
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