The Dragon Whistler

The Dragon Whistler
Now available in paperback.


Only the Good Spy Young by Ally Carter

Those daring (and often snarky) Gallagher girls are back in Ally Carter's latest spy school caper, Only the Good Spy Young (Hyperion, 2010). 

We catch up with Cammie and her pals in the middle of her junior year at the Gallagher Academy for Exceptional Young Women (where exceptional means they go to a boarding school for spies). Double agents abound and Cammie doesn't know who to trust, or what to believe.

Like her Cov-Ops teacher, Mr. Solomon. Or his replacement from MI-6, Mr. Townsend. And then there's that cute boy Zach, her maybe boyfriend who goes to Blackthorne, (the boy equivalent of the Gallagher Academy). Even Cammie's own mother may not be telling her the truth. (But what can you really expect when your mother is a spy, and your school's headmistress?)

Such is the life of a spy, even a 16-year-old one.

Cammie, Bex, Liz and Macey team up to uncover the answers to what's really going on in the world of espionage. What is the Circle of Cavan, and why do they want to kidnap Cammie? However, fans of the series may be disappointed not to find the answers they seek in the pages of the fourth book.

Look at it this way, a good cliffhanger only means another book to come. 

4 bookmarks for lots of Gallagher Girl fun.

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