The Dragon Whistler

The Dragon Whistler
Now available in paperback.


Scarlett Fever by Maureen Johnson

Scarlett Martin is just your average ordinary 15 year old, who happens to live in a overdue-for-renovation Manhattan hotel which is run by her family. But after her summer adventures working with the actress-turned-agent Mrs. Amberson, and a topsy-turvy romance with Eric, an actor in her brother's theater troupe, Scarlett is headed back to school and determined to mend her broken heart.

Not an easy thing to do when the heart-breaker keeps turning up on her doorstep. Plus, Mrs. Amberson is running Scarlett ragged, her sites set on signing young flavor-of-the-week Chelsea -- whose brother happens to be Scarlett's newest classmate.

How can Scarlett be expected to deal with all this pressure, along with her brother's newfound fame, her older sister's on-again romance with a rich New York socialite, and her little sister's unusually kind and caring behavior (which raises all sorts of red flags Scarlett doesn't have time to investigate)?

Author Maureen Johnson re-captures the fun of Suite Scarlett, (Scholastic, 2008) in this follow up, leaving readers hanging at the end (WARNING, it's a major cliff hanger), with no pub date in sight for the third book. Ms. Johnson is just mean this way, but no doubt the conclusion will be worth the wait. (And that maniacal laughter you hear? That's her. I told you, she's mean! MEAN!)

4 bookmarks. For 12 and up.

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