The Dragon Whistler

The Dragon Whistler
Now available in paperback.


The Thing About Georgie by Lisa Graff

The thing about 9 year old Georgie is... he's a dwarf. But as the narrator of this story will tell you, that doesn't mean he's small in things like personality, talent and smarts. In fact, kids will quickly learn that the main thing about Georgie is that he's a lot like them.

For instance, Georgie is coming to terms with the fact that he's going to be a big brother. He's been the center of his parents world, and, on top of that, he's worried that it won't be long before his "little" sibling will be taller than him. On top of everything, he's had a falling out with his best friend, Andy... and the incredibly infuriating Jeanie the Meanie won't leave him alone.

This is a wonderful story that gives kids a glimpse into the world of a child who they may consider "different". Every kid wants to fit in, but for Georgie it goes beyond that. He has to adapt to a world made for taller people while he's trying to fit in, and his story is a nice lesson about walking in someone else's shoes.

What I really like about Graff's writing style is that the narrator's voice is very conversational and approachable, making the reader empathize with Georgie without being preachy. A surprise reveal to the narrator's identity at the end brings a smile.

Overall, kids will find themselves relating to someone they might not have thought they could relate to. Kids 9 to 12 will enjoy reading Georgie's story although I thoroughly enjoyed it as well. 4 bookmarks!

Graff's newest book, Umbrella Summer, is also in bookstores now. I'll definitely be adding it to be "to be read" list. Hope you will, too.

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